APN+ Fact sheet on UHC

Universal Health Coverage (UHC) Key facts • At least half of the world’s population still does not have full coverage of essential health services. • About 100 million people are still being pushed into extreme poverty (defined as living on 1.90 USD or less a day) because they have to payfor health care. • Over […]
Living Longer with HIV in Asia Pacific

HIV has become a manageable chronic illness with the advent of combination antiretroviral therapy (NIH 1998). Since then, while HIV positive persons may entail phases of acute illness, the effectiveness of the medication means HIV infection is no longer the death sentence it once was (Reiter, 2000). Indeed, with current projections ndicating that positive persons […]
Strategic Planning APN Plus 2017-2021

Positive Change is the Asia Pacific Network of People Living with HIV and AIDS (APN+) Strategy for 2012 – 2016. It describes our ambitions, our priorities and the differences we want to make over the next five years. APN+ was established in 1994 as a collective voice for all HIV positive people in the Asia […]
Positive Protection Training Manual – Facilitator’s Guide

Regional Consultation on Human Rights and Treatment Access amongst MSM and Transgender Population in South Asia

My Right to Health

APN+ Strategic Plan 2012-2016

Lost in Transitions

Treatment Access for Injecting Drug Users (IDUs) Living with HIV in Asia

Treatment Access for Positive MSM in the Asia Pacific