Capacity Building program for Community representatives in CCM
The Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM) has been a keystone of the Global Fund since the organization was created in 2001. The structure and the concept of the CCM are intended to reflect the principles of national ownership and participatory decision-making. It is a public/private partnership and includes government, private sector and civil society actors represented […]
Monitoring Access to Treatment in Asia – Global Fund Regional Grants Program
In January 2011, APN+ and partner networks in Bangladesh, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Nepal, Pakistan, the Philippines and Vietnam were awarded a round 10 HIV grant for the multi-country proposal they submitted to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM). The overall goal of the multi-country proposal is to improve PLHIV access to […]
Treatment Access Advocacy for HIV- Hepatitis C co-infection
In 2013 APN+ received funding from the Robert Carr Network Fund to focus programming on HIV- Hepatitis C co-infection in Nepal, Myanmar, Thailand, Indonesia, India and Vietnam. The context for this program is the high overall mortality rate of PLHIV living with chronic hepatitis C co-infection, from both liver-related disease and non-liver conditions. Hepatitis C […]