Grant Making for KAP Regional Concept Note Under GF NFM

APN Plus became the Principal Recipient (PR) for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM) in early 2011 under round 10 grant titled Monitoring Access to Treatment in Asia (MATA). The grant aims to improve understanding about issues related to PLHIV’s access to treatment, care and support services in the region and use it for evidence-based advocacy. The grant implementation covers Bangladesh, Indonesia, Lao, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines and Vietnam. The program has entered into phase II and will be implemented for another year.

APN Plus is currently in negotiation for a subsequent grant planned to be implemented in 9 countries in partnership with three other regional networks including Asian Network of People who Use Drugs (ANPUD), Asia Pacific Network of Sex Workers (APNSW) and Asia-Pacific Transgender Network (APTN).

With all grant-making documents already been submitted, it is expected the response from the GF Grant Approval Committee (GAC) will reached soon after its meeting in March 2016.


Empowering Women and People Living with HIV in the Asia Pacific Region: Micro Grants for Community-Led Initiatives
Advanced HIV Medications Pave the Way to Stigma Reduction
Advancing Community-Led Monitoring: Insights from the Regional Consultation Meeting